DM-Sateca-SE is a Deathmatch sci-fi themed map for Unreal Tournament 2004 released by stfx.
The Sateca Research Vessel on the ground of the ocean should have been destroyed to hide away all clues of a telefrag incident down here. Liandri's experts somehow managed to infiltrate the team that was sent down to place the bombs and rescue this facility for the Tournament. I was contracted by to improve and fix DM-Sateca by Samuel 'SamRo' Korn for them to use in competitive and paid tournaments. After one month, 200 hours of build time done solely by me and uncountable hours of play testing done by the top UT2004 players DM-Sateca-SE was finished. Cluex even hosted a Sateca-only "Captain of Sateca" cup just before the final release. I tried to keep the quality as high as possible during the whole process and improved all aspects of the map so that both competitive and casual players can enjoy it. However skilled players can truly do incredible stuff on this map. I would like to thank ShX, the owner of Cluex, as well as skAven, the one and only Mr. Captain of Sateca, for their extensive feedback and test sessions. We iterated over many ideas to improve gameplay which was a lot of fun. A shout out goes to all beta testers and cup attendees as well. Cheers guys, this would not have been possible without you! Released with permission from Samuel 'SamRo' Korn.